Monday morning... Trump
Where to start.
In a world where evil has such a strong foothold, Trump and his supporters are bringing ever more evil, hatred, ignorance, bigotry, and misogyny to the people of the United States and the world. Any thinking person with humility, awareness of the effect of policy, ethics, and morals is simply shocked that such an ignorant hateful person could now lead our country.
And yes, it is our country. Even those of us who voted against him have some ownership in him. We can try to separate ourselves from this horror of a human, but not completely. He is ours and we must deal with him. There will not be a grownup who comes along and saves us from him. We must stand in opposition to all that he represents and at the soonest opportunity peacefully remove him from office.
Already, he has given more than enough reasons to be impeached. Gross dishonesty to name one of many. There is also enough reason to remove his enablers, which include Pence, Bannon, Priebus, Conway, Ryan, and McConnell. All of these people are either actively supporting the actions of Trump or remaining silent in the face of his unethical and unconstitutional behavior, which places them in conflict with their oath of service to our country.
Right now, America is in one of its darkest places. But, as Leonard Cohen wrote, There is a crack in everything where the light gets in.
So how do we be sure to create the cracks where light gets in. Protest. But that is not what will ultimately do it. There are organizations at this moment fighting against Trump and for a better America. They include the NAACP, Democratic Party, CAIR, CHCI, and others. They need your time and your money.
And to my liberal friends who believed there is no difference between Hillary and Trump or Democrats and Republicans, it is time to wake up. The differences are huge and have been obvious for a very long time. So start being active in off-year political campaigns and state and local races.